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Wyeth Nutrition®: 100 Years of Firsts in Nutrition Science
Meet the company behind brain milks PROMIL® and PROMIL Gold®.
3 mins to read

How to Help Your Kid Speak Fluently in English, Filipino, and More
Nurture your kid's gifted brain by encouraging multilingualism.
4 mins to read

Why MOS+ and Sialic Acid Matter in Gifted Brain Development
Discover the two key ingredients that can help boost your gifted kid's brain development.
3 mins to read

Is PROMIL® the Right Choice? Moms Speak Out
Since Wyeth Nutrition® launched infant formula S-26 in 1965 and follow-on milk PROMIL® in 1986 in the Philippines, thousands of moms have put their trust in the brand.
4 mins to read

What’s Next, Wyeth Nutrition®?
Wyeth Nutrition® continues its legacy of formulating the most advanced nutritional products for gifted kids.
3 mins to read

Did the Pandemic Cause Language Delays in Kids?
The pandemic has negatively impacted kids’ speech and memory, but parents can help get them back on track.
3 mins to read

Why The Right Milk Matters for Gifted Brain Development
The milk you choose is vital in stimulating and enhancing your gifted kid’s brain functions.
4 mins to read

Brain-Boosting Formulas from Wyeth Nutrition®
Boost your kid's immunity and brain development with PROMIL® and PROMIL Gold®.
3 mins to read

Meet the Brain Milks: PROMIL® and PROMIL Gold®
PROMIL® and PROMIL Gold® belong to a family of winning milk formulas for gifted brain development.
4 mins to read

Dealing with your gifted child’s emotional outburst
Learn how to help your gifted child deal with emotional outbursts and get an insight as to what makes them more apparent in gifted children.
4 mins to read