Baby and solid food: Myths vs facts

Baby and solid food: Myths vs facts

Baby and solid food: Myths vs facts

Apr 13, 2021
3 mins

Are you getting mixed advice over your baby's first meal? We're debunking the myths and highlighting the facts just for you

I still remember how excited I was over my daughter’s first meal. And I’m sure a lot of moms can also relate as it is considered as a major milestone. We see it as a time of growth and new adventures with our babies at the dining table. However, just like anything related to child-rearing, moms tend to get a lot of advice, suggestions, or even outright myths and misconceptions on how to go about it.

If you’re one of those moms who’s gearing up for her baby’s first foray into solid food, then here’s something to help you out – we break down several myths related to baby complementary feeding:

Myth 1: I should stop breastfeeding once my baby starts on solids.

Fact: At less than 12 months old, babies’ main source of nutrition remains to be breastmilk or formula milk. The Department of Health (DOH) recommends that parents give nutritious complementary solid food to their babies at six months to keep up with their growing needs, while also maintaining that breastfeeding is still best for babies up to two years of age or beyond.

Myth 2: Baby can start eating solids when his weight reaches a certain “magic” number.

Fact: Your baby’s weight is not a determining factor for his solid food readiness. The DOH recommends that moms introduce semi-solid food to their babies at six months of age. Aside from age, moms can also look for the following signs that could mean that their baby is ready for solid food, such as:

  • Baby can hold his head in a steady, upright position
  • Baby can sit on his own either supported or unsupported
  • Baby shows mouth movements – by opening his mouth for a spoon or clamping down on it
  • Baby’s eyes or hands reach out for food

Myth 3: Baby is so big (or small) so you need to start solids.

baby grab gerber

Fact: Again, starting your baby on complementary solid feeding is not dependent on your baby’s weight or his size – no matter how big or small he might look.

Myth 4: Baby should only eat pureed food at six months.

Fact: Recent studies have found that a delay in offering a variety of food textures can lead to feeding difficulties. So at six months, you can offer food to your baby that’s mashed, lumpy, ground, minced, and even tender-cooked. But ensure that your baby is properly supervised during mealtimes.

Myth 5: Jarred baby food is junk food.

Fact: Freshly prepared nutritious food is best for babies. But jarred food is not the worst thing you can give your baby and you are not a terrible parent for giving them to your baby.

GERBER is a pureed baby food in a jar that is both easy to consume and a healthy option for moms to give their babies. It’s made with the wholesome goodness of all natural fruits and vegetables sourced from GERBER’s Clean Field Farming Practices. GERBER has NO added salt, sugar, artificial colors, or preservatives. It’s safe for your baby and comes in a variety of flavors, colors, and textures that can develop his sense of taste.

For more tips on baby nutrition and feeding, you can visit GERBER.


UnicefWHONutrition Center of the PhilippinesMayoClinicUnlock Food


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