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PLAYING: How to Help Your Child Stay Active During Online Classes

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How to Help Your Child Stay Active During Online Classes

With plenty of exercise, and the essential vitamins and minerals that can be found in Bonakid Pre-School 3+, your child is sure to have Plus in Growth, Plus in Immunity, and Plus in Energy so they can do well in school while being able to exercise and play!

3 mins to read Jul 25, 2023

Hi, Mommies! Are your 3+ toddlers tired of online classes? Burned out na ba sila sa Zoom?

One of the best ways to keep your child alert during online classes is to make sure that they still have time to be active.

Staying active is very important for kids in school. Aside from helping give them Plus in Growth and Plus in Energy, simple activities can help them think, learn better, and relieve stress!1,2 All of these are great ways to help them perform better in their online classes.

Because it is best to stay at home nowadays, many children are becoming less active than normal.3 So we’ve prepared some quick activities that your child can do during breaks and in between online classes that will help them be a Batang May Laban with Laban Ng Katawan, without having to leave the house!


Stretch it out!

Hindi lang para sa matatanda ang stretching! Stretching is great for kids too.4 Have your child do these stretches for 30-45 seconds each when they have a break from school.


Toe Touches

Toe touches: Bend at the waist and try to touch your toes


Reach for the stars

Reach for the stars: Raise your arms over your head and stretch



Butterfly: Sit on the floor with soles of the feet touching. Pull your feet towards your body and your knees towards the floor


Child's pose

Child’s pose: Get on all fours on the floor, then lean backwards and make your forehead touch the floor. Perfect for stretching the back after a long day of sitting! 


Exercise in short bursts

Your child should aim to get 60 minutes of exercise every day. But remember moms, they don’t have to do it all at once! They can do short bursts of 5-10 minutes of exercise to meet the goal.

Have your child try some of these simple exercises in between classes and during breaks! 


Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks


Running in place

Running in place






Dancing (puwedeng gayahin ang mga dancers sa TikTok!)


Importante talaga ang exercise para sa iyong anak na 3+. At kahit marami siyang online classes, kaya pa rin niya magkaroon ng Laban ng Katawan! With plenty of exercise, and the essential vitamins and minerals that can be found in Bonakid Pre-School 3+, your child is sure to have Plus in Growth, Plus in Immunity, and Plus in Energy so they can do well in school while being able to exercise and play!
